Taking me out of my routine and on the road!

Me and my new home on wheels

Me and my new home on wheels


Hi im Steph, and this is currently my home on wheels!

This blog is just to catch you up on the last 6 months of our life, before I begin to dive into specifics of life and yoga on the road!

Where our journey began..

Our Vanlife journey began 16th August 2020 (The day before my 31st Birthday) So I thought I would take this time (Don’t worry i’ll keep it short) to catch you up with our journey so far, The ups and the ‘breakdowns ‘(For both me and our vehicles!)

Our decision was made at some point during lockdown 1! A lot changed for us during that time, as im sure it did for many. We had also planned a big Italian vineyard wedding for September 2020, that we had to cancel because of the lockdown, anyway enough of Covid Chat….We can’t quite remember when it was decided to move into a van (probably after a few glasses of wine) but the decision was made as soon as we could leave the UK to begin our travels we would! So Marco (My partner) got to work on fixing up our VW T4 - Frank and we planned to hit the road.

The Day we set off from our home in North Wales

The Day we set off from our home in North Wales


We took the Euro Tunnel on my Birthday and ended up in France, we traveled the north of France and into the black forest in Germany, the first few weeks where a whirl wind, all the new and exciting things of life on the road as well as trying to adapt to living in a two meter space with Marco and Vino!

The Reality Check…

This is where my first reality check came in! The excitement started to settle and it began to feel more like a life we were settling into than a holiday, and I realised many things where no longer the norm! My morning routine I had done so rigidly could not be achieved in a T4 VW camper! I couldn’t be up before the sunrise, (I’ll delve into this deeper in another blog) because it was cold and well I had no where to go! The bed was still down so making a brew was out of the question I had to adapt and take what I could get! It was frustrating at first, having to climb over the seats and do a breathwork practise with the steering wheel in front of me. Kicking Marco out of the van so I could use the toilet, All of us up and out of bed before breakfast even began and don’t forget about outdoor showers! Needless to say our routine became different, but we made it work.

The purchase of the Porta Potty!

The purchase of the Porta Potty!

Our Family in Frank

Our Family in Frank

The joy of the outdoor shower!

The joy of the outdoor shower!


The weather turned in Germany and the journey continued, consisting off a 7 hour straight drive from Germany, through Austria to Marcos house in Italy, where we stayed and visited his family for a while before carrying on back through the south of France and into Spain. During this time we got to stay in some truly amazing spots! But the journey was taking its toll on Frank (The T4 VW) and he was coming up to having his 4th breakdown in 3 months! So we had to make a decision on what to do!

One of the many breakdowns of Frank

One of the many breakdowns of Frank

The decision to change things up…

That decision was to drive back from the South of Spain to Marcos home in Italy and swop Frank for Henry the Hymer! and then continue the journey. Frank had definitely had enough after a stop just outside Barcelona when the starter motor broke! We got it started again but that meant we could not turn the camper off because it would not start again! Soooo that meant a 13 hour straight journey to Italy! But we made it and after some more vehicle issues (With Henry the Hymer this time not Frank) We were back on the road to the South of Spain, Where we have been since December.

We are very lucky, we get to see amazing sunrises…

We are very lucky, we get to see amazing sunrises…

…and sunsets on a daily basis! (in Henry the Hymer)

…and sunsets on a daily basis! (in Henry the Hymer)

What next…

This life so far has been a crazy and amazing experience, with ups and downs.But its taught me a lot about my self and the way I live my life. Its taught me to adapt to situations and overcome or sit with emotions, its opened me up to so many different people, the way they live their life and their beliefs. Its made me realise anything is possible! and its made me appreciate a hot shower and a hair dryer so so much!

But I have found so much meaning in this experience and I hope I find much more to come!

This was a super brief overview of our life for the last six months, as I blog more im wanting to delve deeper into specific situations we have been in, things I have loved or things I have struggled with and just have a space to share my little piece of the world with anyone who would like to read!


The Weird and Wonderful places I've done yoga