Why I Love to breathe!

Breath-work can be done anywhere!

Breath-work can be done anywhere!

Why I love to breathe!

Now I know breathing is just something that happens automatically everyday. But when you tune into it, slow it down and open it up, then the magic really begins to happen!!

I’ve had a daily pranayama practise for the last two years and its a practise that I will continue with for a very very long time to come! It can change daily depending on how my body is feeling and can be a combination of movement, breath-work practises and pranayama.

 Here is how it got started and why I keep doing it.

So what is pranayama?

Pranayama is a yogic breath-work practise. It is specific techniques and practises that clear any blocks or obstacles in our bodies so that the energy or breath can flow freely.

Prana - energy/life force within us/breath

Ayama- pause

Pranayama= a pause or retention in the breath, we move from a state of simple breathing to pranayama when we add in the pause.

The amazing group of people I did my yoga teacher training with, and our wonderful teacher Vicki!

The amazing group of people I did my yoga teacher training with, and our wonderful teacher Vicki!

How I came to a practise of Pranyama

I had heard of some breathing techniques thrown around in my normal yoga classes that I went to, exhaling out of the mouth, building up the breath or the ujjayi breath (When practicing Ujjayi, you completely fill your lungs, while slightly contracting your throat, and breathe through your nose.) But I never fully knew what it meant to breathe until I began my yoga teacher training.

Our first weekend all we did was breathe! And it was tough! As a group of yoga students it broke down so many emotional barriers (there were a lot of tears) opened up our minds like never before and gave us a tiny insight into the world of pranayama!

We had an amazing teacher (Vicki Shields, evolve yoga training) That really really knows her ‘stuff’ when it comes to the breath. On our week long retreat together Vicki would guide us through breath-work and pranayama techniques each morning for a few hours. As each day passed we all began to evolve and grow as we delved deeper into our own bodies and our own breath! Yes there were more tears! More discoveries and lots of laughs!  

I think a lot of us began that training, just wanting to know how to teach yoga poses or to improve the physical practise of yoga for ourselves. But I know each and everyone of us has been changed so much more by the power of the breath!

Switching off from the outside world!

Switching off from the outside world!

How it has helped me

My breath-work practise is now something I make sure I do every morning without fail. Even if I don't do my physical practise I have to do my breath-work, because it has helped me so much physically and mentally.

Mentally I noticed such a shift in my emotions when I practise pranayama it’s as if a sense of calm just washes over me, when I practise in the morning it just gives me such a clearer head to start the day. Sometimes it even helps to clear my mind about problems i've been facing and come up with solutions on how to move forward.

Physically was the most surprising thing I have found from having a regular breath-work practise.For a long time I suffered from an autoimmune disease called iritis. Every time I got run down my eye would inflame, go bloodshot and become so sensitive to light I could hardly open them and i’d get headaches. This happened about every 3 months, and the only way to heal would be a trip to the A and E eye clinic for steroid drops (Yep like every time! It was pretty frustrating!)

I haven’t had a trip to the eye clinic for over two years now! The only thing I have changed in my lifestyle is adding in this breath-work practise!

Vino the pug often joins me and is always super relaxed and snoring by the end of my practise!

Vino the pug often joins me and is always super relaxed and snoring by the end of my practise!

Why I keep doing it

Such a simple thing we do every day without thinking, but when we stop, when we think about it, the magic begins to happen!

I have noticed such a change in myself by tuning into my breath. It opened up emotions and feelings I never realised were inside! It's improved my health and given me such a sense of calm it's something I do not want to lose!

I feel like i'm just at the beginning of my breath-work journey and each next step is such an excitement I can’t wait to explore more!

Just Breathe!


Keeping up a practise on the road


The Weird and Wonderful places I've done yoga